Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mothers' Day and Peace

In the Hillsdale Farmers' Market on this Mothers' Day, my friend Martie Sucec enlightened me on the American origins of Mothers' Day.

And, no, she said, the day is not a Hallmark Holiday, although sadly, for many, it has become one.

In this country, Mothers' Day's beginnings go back to the years immediately following the Civil War when mothers grieved the loss of sons and husbands.

Mothers' Day was a call to peace initiated by Julia Ward Howe, known for her "Battle Hymn of the Republic." In 1870, Howe wrote a Mothers' Day proclamation calling for mothers to convene to oppose war and to nurture a world of peace.

What better time than now, this very Mothers' Day, to renew her call? What better way to honor mothers than to rededicate this day to the cause of peace?

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